
منذ سنة

عرض العمل


Kaspar is a clean, modern and stylish digital agency website template created with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap framework, JavaScript, Aos JS library, Purecounter JS library, Swiper JS library, glightbox JS library, Remix Icon.

- 100% responsive and support all modern browser and device - with any screen sizes.
- Clean code and easy to customize
- Latest Bootstrap version
- Animation on scroll effects
- Off-canvas mobile menu
- Testimonials carousel
- Portfolio with lightbox support
- Responsive Layout
- Pricing Section
- Testimonials Section
- Frequently Asked Question Section
- Smooth Scroll
- SEO Optimized
- Cross Browser compatible

Demo: https://na110.github.io/kaspar/


المشاهدات 1
المفضلة 0
القسم برمجة, تطوير المواقع و التطبيقات - مواقع الويب

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